Daan Spits - Web Design LaCarishina.net

Earlier this year I was looking to renovate our site. I felt the calling to find the next chapter of Carishina and needed a professional. Going into 99 designs I found Daan Spits and it was then when I started to believe in serendipity. It was like therapy in many ways I am very thankful to have had this ride designing Carishina with him.

I interviewed several candidates that offered me a little bit if a cookie cutter “cool site starter pack”and just a few hours of their expertise. A site these days is like a store front and I wanted to work with someone who will understand that. For me Lacarishina.net is not something that could be tackled in a few hours.

I came across Daan’s profile and visited his own site with some examples of his work with his clients reviews. I was glaring that everyone who have worked with him felt heard and loved him, which to me is the best sign. I was drawn to interview him for this project because he particularly works with entrepreneurs with particular ideas, no cookie cutters.

Discussing my idea and project with him was what sealed the deal. When you design with Daan you are not just doing that but you're brainstorming into the next chapter of your business.

Daan while hiking through France over the summer

Daan while hiking through France over the summer

Where was he born Maastricht, The Netherlands

Where he grew up Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Lyon France, Palo Alto California, USA

Current hometown Amsterdam & anywhere that can be hiked (if you ask me)

Special Interests Hiking, Travel & Photography.

Founder daanspits.com

Growing up Daan always attended public schools and was taught the local language. Daan speaks 5 languages; Dutch, English, Spanish, French and German.

Daan’s holds a degree in Economics but he is also holds a philosophy about outdoor life. He can do his job from anywhere in the world. Every time we worked he was in a different city in Spain and he recently hiked the French Chemin across France. A journey of several weeks.

His greatest pride is his website design services through daanspits.com where “choosing to start for himself” is his mantra. He is another lover of photography (seeing a trend here) and travel!

All I can say after working with him is that work with people that believe in the potential of you ideas even more so than yourself.