Ancestral Spirituality During Spring Time

This week is the current celebration of Passover as well as Christian Easter. Along with these religious observances there are many other celebrations and observances during this month this year 2020. 


Spring Equinox

April is the Fifth Month in the Inca lunisolar Calendar. According to Inca Religion & Customs by Father Bernabe Cobo; April which was part of the Ariguaquiz Month. The community will sacrifice sheep led by Inti Raymi. These will be guarded during the month by Yanaconas (guards) who will give the sheep chicha and the sacrifice of these animals was with the objective of the successful seedling of maize.


Then we have Easter. Have you ever wondered about the relationship easter eggs, bunnies and flowers had with Chrsitian Easter? Turns out, the origin of Easter comes from the Celtic Goddess Ostara; a germanic goddess of fertility and new beginnings. Whom is also celebrated during the spring equinox. At some point in history celebrations around Ostera were replaced by the christian observance of the resurrection of Christ. However it maintains the spirit of resurrection, fertility, productivity and new beginnings.I learned about the Goddess Ostara during our New Moon/Full Moon Women’s Circle.

@giotapia13 take of April 2020’s Pink Super Full Moon in Libra at the Yuracruz viewpoint in Ibarra, Ecuador.

@giotapia13 take of April 2020’s Pink Super Full Moon in Libra at the Yuracruz viewpoint in Ibarra, Ecuador.

Ramadan will commence on April 23rd this month as well. The Islamic calendar is lunar and this year Ramadan begins & coincides with spring. During this observance, practices include fasting, charity, prayer, commemoration and abstinence of sinful behavior. The commemoration of prophets Muhammad’s first revelation, Ramadan is also one of the five pillars of Islam. It starts on the day of the sighting of the crescent moon and finishes on the next crescent moon. 


Passover like other jewish celebrations is also related to the hebrew lunisolar calendar. This celebration apart from being linked to the Book of Exodus’ records was a celebration of spring fertility as well as the people will observe this event as the connection to the first harvest of the barley. Like many other religions and observances around the world it guards a spirit of gratitude for the produce after field labor.

Spirituality is something that checks all the boxes for us and you might have guessed it or will be gladly surprised; across religions, cultural and spiritual beliefs there is usually a string that ties everything together. Faith is important for all human beings and it is something we hope unites us rather than divides us. We celebrate you all wherever you are!!!

It is incredibly inspiring to me to research the connection all of these religions and spiritual cultures have in common with astrology. Even more inspiring is to find people who are interested to learn and share more about this topic. 

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